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DISD School Board Agenda

The School Board agenda each month is posted online prior to the Board meeting. You may view the current and past agendas by following the link below.

The Denison ISD Board of Trustees meets the third Tuesday of each month (in most cases). Please refer to the School Board Meeting Calendar page to verify meeting dates.


The Denison ISD Board of Trustees meets at 6:30 pm in the Bruce T. Hibbett Board Room in the Denison ISD Administration Building located at 1201 S. Rusk. The meetings are open to the public.




Denison Independent School District

1201 S. Rusk Avenue, Denison, TX 75020

June 11, 2024

Published for DISD employees in the week following school board meetings.


NOTE: Attachments for agenda items can be viewed by visiting the Board of Trustees agenda site at  Board Book - Denison ISD Meetings


Denison ISD Board of Trustees President Bob Rhoden called to order the Meeting of the Denison ISD Board of Trustees on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. In the Bruce T. Hibbitt, Jr. Board Room of the Administration Building, located at 1201 S. Rusk in Denison, Texas. The Board began the meeting with Board President Bob Rhoden presenting the role of the Board of Trustees. “Board meetings are a public meeting of the Board of Trustees, not a meeting of the public. Day-to-day operations of the school district is the function of the Superintendent, but he or she must do so within the framework of policies and priorities adopted by the Board of Trustees.” The meeting continued with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the invocation by Denison ISD assistant superintendent Dr. Andru Gilbert. The vision statement of the DISD Board of Trustees, who work diligently to serve and meet the educational needs of more than 4,500 Denison ISD students, states “The Denison Independent School district will inspire, enable and encourage all students to learn, grow and succeed in a global society.”   


During the Board comments portion of the meeting, trustees stated… 


Board member Linda Flemming: “I just want to talk about the grant presentation from last Friday. It's going to be given to our students. An opportunity for to get those high demand jobs, the training for them.” 

Board member Eric Hunt: “So I learned about a program I didn't know we had. As I got a text message from Mrs. Schofield, who's my about-to-be senior in high school counselor, that I need to fill out an application for him to go to Grayson as part of a dual credit. And if you know my son Ethan, Ethan is not my dual credit kid. I did not know we did advanced manufacturing with welding through Grayson. So, it was very exciting finding out that that's available to him. He's evidently done very well in the class at the high school when he's been, and this will be his fourth year in construction. So, he will be dual credit taking advance welding at Grayson College.” 


Board vice-president Becky Russell: “Well, I'm just looking forward next week. We go to Fort Worth for training and we're going to be learning a lot. And I'm excited to be with our Board members. Dr. Gilbert takes care of us very well and we appreciate that very much.” 


Board president Bob Rhoden: “I too, I was at the check presentation the other day. It was a very exciting day having been in workforce for 20 years and being a part of when those programs were started. We fought for years to change the way that some parents think about those technical problems, the way some kids think about those technical problems. And we need to because we're running short of those kinds of people and we can't do that in a call center, and you can't call that in from China. It's got to be done right here. So, it's exciting to see those grants come in and so thankful that the DDA (Denison Development Alliance) was a part of that, to be able to step in, and it's fun.”  

Following the public comment portion of the meeting, the agenda resumed with superintendent comments. 

Denison ISD Superintendent Dr. David Kirkbride: “We are off to a great summer with a lot going on. We've got summer school at Pathways, summer school at Mayes Elementary, and summer school at B. McDaniel. That all of it went by last week. I’ve been by the campuses just to check in. Things are going well, so we're excited. A lot of professional development is going on as well, led by Shonda Cannon and her team. This sheet in front of you is from Dr. Gilbert and he's going to share with you guys some Behavior Toolbox information. This is a big part of our professional development this summer. And we've just kind of gotten started with it. Just a reminder about our SLI. I know Becky made reference to Dr. Gilbert who put together a schedule for us so thank you, Dr. Gilbert, for all of that. We'll be leaving at 2:00 next Wednesday from the Service Center. That will get us there in plenty of time to get checked in and hopefully have a nice dinner and be ready to roll for the next few days. Another reminder that Thursday, June 27th, we will have our Team of Eight training and the focus of that will be on the Superintendent evaluation instrument that we need to review annually, but we really want to dig in. And so, I'm looking forward to that. But that's June 27th, 4:00 to 7:00 here at the Administration Building. And then just another reminder about the board vacancy that that has been posted to the District's website and we'll close that at the end of June. If you have anyone that you know may be interested, just stay in touch with me or Mr. Rhoden and we'll keep you guys as informed as we can as that process. But it goes without saying that we are looking for a person who will fit well with our Board, who has the best interest of our District in mind and is ready to get and continue the good work our Board and our District is doing.” 

At the conclusion of the Superintendent’s comments, the meeting proceeded as scheduled. 



  • Routine Business - Consent Agenda 

  • Approval of Board minutes for the May 2024 (11.A.1) 

  • Approve Expenditures for May 2024 (11.A.2) 

  • Approval of the May 2024 investment report (11.A.3) 

  • Approval of the May 2024 financial reports (11.A.4) 

  • Approval of the May 2024 tax reports (11.A.5) 



REGULAR BUSINESS                                                      


Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.a.  

Subject: Consider approval of Athletic Supplies Proposals 

Attached is a tabulation of proposals received for athletic supplies. The proposals were based on a regular retail or percentage discount basis. If approved, the vendors will be added to the approved vendor list. The board awarded the vendor proposals and recommended they be added to the athletic supplies approved vendor list. 



Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.b  

Subject: Consider approval of Facilities and Transportation Supplies Proposals 

Attached is a tabulation of proposals received for facilities and transportation supplies. The proposals were based on a regular retail or percentage discount basis. If approved, the vendors will be added to the approved vendor list. The board awarded the vendor proposal and recommended they be added to the facilities and transportation supplies approved vendor list. 



Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.b  

Subject: Consider approval of Facilities and Transportation Supplies Proposals 

Attached is a tabulation of proposals received for facilities and transportation supplies. The proposals were based on a regular retail or percentage discount basis. If approved, the vendors will be added to the approved vendor list. The board awarded the vendor proposal and recommended they be added to the facilities and transportation supplies approved vendor list. 



Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.c.  

Subject: Consider approval of Instructional Supplies Proposals 

Attached is a tabulation of proposals received for instructional supplies. The proposals were based on a regular retail or percentage discount basis. If approved, the vendors will be added to the approved vendor list. The board awarded the vendor proposal and recommended they be added to the facilities and transportation supplies approved vendor list. 



Agenda Item #: 11.B.1.d.  

Subject: Consider approval of Charter Bus Proposals 

Attached is a tabulation of proposals received for Charter Buses. Only one vendor 

responded to the request for proposals. The board awarded the vendor proposal and recommended they be added to the facilities and transportation supplies approved vendor list. 



Agenda Item #: 11.B.2.  

Subject: Consider approval of the 2023-24 Budget Amendment 

Budget amendments are recommended to realign budgeted amounts to meet projected actual revenues and expenditures. The attachment details the recommended budget amendments. 

  • General Fund: Add $50,000 to Function 52 

  • Food Service Fund: Add $175,000 to Function 35 

The board approved the budget amendments as presented. 






INFORMATION ITEMS                                                                 

Agenda Item #: 12.A 

Subject: Personnel Report 

Personnel Report: 

The following resignations were accepted, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 

school year. 

  • Jeremy Green – Denison High School Teacher (Chemistry) 

  • DJ Kurtenbach – Scott Middle School Teacher / Coach (History) 

  • Detra Holland – Scott Middle School Teacher (ELAR) 

  • Arthur Munoz – Denison High School Teacher (Computer Science/Robotics) 


The following employees have been hired for the 2024-2025 school year: 

  • Gaven Dawson – Denison High School Teacher (SPED Math Resource) 

  • Kasandra Baker – Denison High School Teacher (English) 

  • Reed Cook – Scott Middle School Teacher (ELAR) 

  • Kelssi Williams – Scott Middle School Teacher (History) 

  • Natalie McDaniel – Scott Middle School Teacher (History) 

  • Jeanine Boroski – B. McDaniel Teacher (SPED Math Resource) 

  • Haylee Griggs – B. McDaniel Teacher (SPED SLC Teacher) 

  • Nicole Kelley – B. McDaniel Counselor 

  • Diana Garza-Gonzalez – B. McDaniel Teacher (Bilingual) 

  • Kelli Gobel – B. McDaniel Teacher (Science) 

  • Emily Potts – B. McDaniel Speech Language Pathologist 

  • Kaylyn Jordaan – Hyde Park Teacher (3rd Grade) 

  • Meire Carvalho – Mayes Elementary Teacher (Kindergarten Bilingual) 


Agenda Item 12.B  

Denison ISD School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) Year-End Report to the Board 2023-2024 

The 2023-34 DISD School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is compiled of members from the District healthcare staff, food service personnel, parent and community representatives, local healthcare professionals, physical education/health teachers and school administrators. The agendas included discussions on Fentanyl Related Legislation, Tele-health data, energy drinks, THRIVE program updates, House Bill 3 – Hazing, and school security. Denison ISD posted a video or auditory recording of every meeting, plus the agenda and minutes, on the Denison ISD website. 


Per House Bill 3908, the SHAC committee recommended to the school board the appropriate grade levels and curriculum for instruction in the dangers of opioids, including addiction to and abuse of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl. The instruction included information on suicide prevention, abuse of fentanyl, and awareness of local school and community resources. Fentanyl training provided to Scott Middle School and Denison High School received positive reviews. 


Mrs. Hosford proposed a recommendation to visit with campus principals to develop a district policy concerning the restriction of energy drinks on any campus. Some student handbooks address the issue, while others do not. 


Senate Bill 37, Hazing, went into effect September 1, 2023, stating than any hazing be reported to the state and is a class B misdemeanor. A clear definition of hazing and information to guide students’ behavior is needed. 


The adoption of the School Safety Standards, May 31, 2023, address minimum requirements to ensure the safety of students and staff in our public schools. At each meeting, a report was given as to how Denison ISD was spending the Silent Panic Alert Technology Grant, the School Safety Standards Formula Grant, the Safety and Facility Enhancement Grant (cycle 1), and the plans for the State Safety Grant (cycle 2). Implementations included the creation of a DISD police force, silent panic alert technology, keyless entries, radio communication, window film, fencing, etc. 


Jackie Melancon presented Communities in Schools mid-year review. She also was able to find grant monies to continue to the program at the end of the year when ESSER funds are no longer available. Activities implemented to improve the mental health of students and staff were presented at each meeting. Staff summer training will focus on supporting teachers and campuses on behavior management. The district has shifted from CPI, Crisis Prevention Institute, to Handle with Care, which is a certificate program for managing verbal de-escalation and restraint. Each campus will have a trained team. All campuses will get 2 hours of verbal de-escalation training during PD week at the start of school. 


Agenda Item 12.C  

Jacket Behavioral Tool Kit 


Agenda Item 12.D  

Bond Construction Update 


Following the handling of all business, the April Denison ISD Board of Trustees meeting was adjourned.  


1201 S. Rusk - Denison, Texas 75020

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